
"WOW" Factor with internal LED Digital Display Screens

  4 minute read What is a LED Digital Display Screen? LED technology has come a long way since the early 60’s when you could get LEDs in any colour as long as its red. Digital visual display technology has in recent years become more affordable, surpassing large format data Projector setups. A Digital Display Screen is made up of LED’s ( Light-emitting diodes ) factory assembled into modules Fig:01/02 at a specified Pixel Pitch (distance between each LED). The closer the pitch the better the image quality showing more detail.                                    Fig: 01                                                 Fig: 02 What size Display is right? LED displays are an incredible way to get noticed for the right reasons and create a visual “wow factor”. The ...

Mobile Premium TV/Monitor Trolley System

                    Premium TV/Monitor Trolley System 2 Minute read  Safety At Sitech Systems , safety is always at the forefront of our minds. By purchasing a TV trolley from Sitech Systems that adheres to this safety standard, you can ensure that your obligations for Health & Safety considerations are not only met but exceeded. We are so sure of our trolleys build quality we offer a 10 year structural warranty  Our Premium TV/Monitor Trolley , model TY34T, comes with a range of features designed to enhance safety, functionality, and versatility. This trolley has been designed and manufactured in New Zealand to support the new approach to presentations, which celebrates small group work and collaboration. It also recognises the need for presenters to integrate technology into more varied spaces. Versatile Design The TY34T trolley is designed to handle almost any size monitor with ease. Whether it's for an on-court coachi...
                                          Enhance access to learning 1 minute read: Instructional audio is a powerful tool that can help enhance access to learning and create an engaging classroom environment. It is designed to provide clear and consistent instructions, while also reducing the need for teacher redirections. Voice reinforcement technology, such as soundfield systems, can be used to improve student engagement in the classroom. By providing students with clear and consistent instructions, teachers can ensure that everyone is on the same page and can focus on learning more effectively. This technology has been proven to reduce distractions, increase student engagement, and improve overall academic performance. The next generation in soundfield technology has arrived Instructional audio is a powerful tool for creating an engaging and effective learning environment. I...

EAS-Music Bell-Notification-Intercom-P.A- Campus Wide system

 2 minute read   Why move to an IP based notification system W ith cross device functionality and network compatibility, upgrading your school campus, business or sporting complex to an IP based digital notification system is simple with end user experience and features make using this a painless experience that digital integration gives you.  What benefits are expected Campus wide voice-music or emergency announcement message  Indoor and outdoor applications  Smart phone App compatibility Option for intercom in each endpoint (speakers) Clear intelligible MP3 quality voice and music Add and remove endpoints for building additions and alterations  Option to add wireless Microphone to field speakers for roaming live events Simple to manage Automated scheduled bell/music and emergency announcements  Some schools have been granted funding for this system Consultation Each system is customised to your requirements, from a simpl...

Stop stealing our school speakers please!!!

  1 minute read       Stolen School speakers     It's such a nuisance, not to mention a health and                      safety issue when schools, sports arenas and public areas get their horn P. A speakers stollen.       Why steal school speakers   It's   all about how loud these youths can get their bikes or  cars to sound in a (loudest system, shootout). The best speakers to use are the horn speakers which are the lowest hanging fruit.   What can be done about our stolen speakers   There are a few options to combat the opportunists    and roof runners. When speakers are clustered together in a birdcage the system can be used.  An 8-metre-tall pole with a cage system attached IP speakers that won't work if stolen use network protocol.        What if our speakers are just caged ...

Your Voice is Important

  4 Minute Read How can I be heard? The plain truth is if you’re looking to project your voice in a teaching/training environment then over time it's highly likely you will strain your voice. Yes, modern buildings have great acoustic design compared to ten years ago, but acoustic architecture is only a small part of being heard. In a modern learning/ training environment, the size of the space has increased, or the capacity of students has. So how do you project your voice to many without strain? Types of Voice amplification In an environment like a hall or theatre box, linear or ceiling speakers would generally be used, and are permanently set up to accommodate multiple users. Depending on the size of the environment speaker placement is key to being heard and can be an expensive exercise to get it just right. What about an ILS or Training space? The above scenarios are just not viable in spaces that change in configuration a lot. These rooms tend to have a lower ceilin...